Monday, February 2, 2009

Train Moves House

The past week or 2 Jayden has been waking up about 4:30 every morning, and won't go back to sleep. We've rocked him and every time we stand up to go take him back to his crib he just says "NO" in this sweet little "Please don't make me go back there" voice, but he doesn't open his eyes. I left him in there to cry himself back to sleep, but after he was quiet I went in to check on him and he was wide awake just sitting there in his crib. So Chris has been sleeping with him on the couch the past week and we finally decided that we just couldn't all survive like this and he needs to relearn how to sleep all night. So 2 nights ago when he woke up at 3:30 Chris just went in and rubbed his back, but never took him out of his crib. He only cried for 5 minutes before he was out. Weird, I know. So last night we were going to do the same thing. But Jayden woke up at 10 and this time we learned why he is waking up. We can hear the train very faintly when it goes by. We aren't really close, but if the house is quiet we can hear it. But it's not the train that wakes him up. Our house has started creaking in the floor by his room. (Even rocking in the rocking chair in the living room will make it creak!) When the train goes by it makes it creak. And it is extremely loud. The poor little guy has been waking up scared out of his mind and can't fall back asleep. When Chris went and got him last night Jayden's back was facing the door and he was looking to the corner where the boards creak. Because he was crying he didn't hear Chris and when he turned around and saw Chris he just screamed. He was so scared. So needless to say all 4 of us slept in our bed for a few hours last night. It didn't go over so well. So once the kids were asleep they moved to their own beds. We are trying to come up with a solution. Either us trading Jayden rooms or just moving his crib in our room too. Wouldn't that be fun. But one child not sleeping through the night is enough for us to deal with.


Morgan said...

DRAMA! I understand the crazinees of getting kids to sleep! We had trains right outside our last aparmtment. My poor baby had to learn how to sleep right through it. NOw we can't ever get her to wake up...sigh..How is your angel girl doin? MORE PICS!

Anne said...

How Sad!!!! Poor little guy. The floor creaks at our house too, but I don't think it is that bad. We don't live next to any trains. So, are you wondering if April will come soon enough?

Ashton was waking up kind of like that one time, I realized that he was scared and something was waking him up. It turned out that the sprinklers hit the side of the house and it woke him up. Luckily I was able to move his crib to the other wall and it helped a ton! Good Luck with that.

Jess said...

Not fun!! Have you tried playing some lullaby music or a noise maker of sorts? Maybe the creaking and train noises are too loud even with those things? Just a thought.

madsens said...

Wow- what fun. poor guys. The picture of jennilynn on your side bar is cute. Good luck getting some rest.

camillajean said...

OMG!! SAD!!! :( OMG!!! .. POOR JAYDEN!! That is TERRIFYING!!! Holy SMOKES!!! :( ... I feel so bad for him!!! :( GOSH!!! I would be scared to death! :( .. It just hurts my heart to picture him sayin' "no" (don't take me back there!!! ... SAD!! OMG... Haha . sorry I just think it's so sad! Any luck with a solution? (good thing I don't get scared scared .. otherwise that ALIEN in the wall would be FReAKIN' me OUT WORSE!! .. yup .. He needs an ipod.. that's how I conquer the Aliens in my wall .. look into that :) )

The Hulbert Family said...

You could try playing music all night so he doesn't notice. Or you could play the CD's of the scripture stories. Just an idea. I think I need to start that with Henrik now he does well with that and he has started waking up and won't let me leave during the night until he falls asleep again. SO I will be trying this again. The weird thing is that he sleeps right through Daniel playing guitar right when he goes to sleep. hmmm...weird.